[transquery-discuss] [ANN] transquery.js an implementation

From: Chris Bayes (chris@bayes.co.uk)
Date: Thu Dec 06 2001 - 21:14:49 CET

I knocked up a quick javascript command line implementation of
transquery for people to play around with.

transquery -db directory -s stylesheet -o filename -p {param=value}

      Produces output from the directory database using the stylesheet.

transquery -dbf filename -s stylesheet -o filename -p {param=value}

      Produces output from the XML database file using the stylesheet.

transquery -db directory -o filename

      Generates XML file containing the XML database.

-? Show this message.
-db directory Input directory containing the XML database.
-dbf filename Input XML file containing the XML database.
-o filename Write output to named file.
-p params Params to be passed to the transform.
-s stylesheet The transquery conformant stylesheet.
-x filename The source file.

It might be a bit buggy so if you have any problems or have any
suggestions then let me know.

Ciao Chris

XML/XSL Portal

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